

 I jumped into a muddy pool laughing

Picked up coloured shells with them

Rolled, threw sand on air with them

People said, at 80, she has turned mad

Moving with children as if she is one

How could  anyone understand that only

This childish act, keeps me alive until today



At the faint ruffle of a leaf nearby

At a small cracking of old wood

At a small whisper of a mild breeze

The soft whimpering of a street dog

Bird shifting in its sleep in the nest

The cat paws gently walk along

And at all such softest noises

Wild-eyed, I search, if you have come

My eyes strain, look around to see you



When I lived in towers for some time

I could see the sun on both occasions

Mornings, as he sluggishly rises, spilling vivid colours

Evening, tired after his duties, back to his mother

But now, watching both of them from my balcony

 I see only a colourful painted canvas on the buildings

Whether I watch it in the Morning or evening

Not the Sun, but his reflections on the buildings

Drenching them, in lush colours on both occasion

Now I understood, we do enjoy the reflections too

The ocean reflects the endless blue sky with waves

The moon reflects the cool silver warmth of the Sun

The stars twinkling, filling our hearts with hope of future

As I muse, life itself is, nothing but two ends of a rainbow

Thoughts are the original, and actions, our reflections



It was a cut piece of the corner of the cover

With her tiny finger holding it she asked, “What is this?”

She shook her head, and as her eyes sparkling

Said, No, IT IS NOT A WASTE PIECE” as my answer

Then  with that piece  in hand she danced around

In a wavy motion and said, “See this is my ship”

 As, Wide-eyed I watched, that wonder kid

She placed it on a chair and folded her palm

Shocked me, by saying. “See this is my Diya for God”

Now again she danced with that piece held high

Dancing said. “OH! this is my Lotus flower”

As she danced with her endless imagination

Richly showering the tiny piece of  a corner paper

I understood why children are so close to God.



As we just learn to write our first letters

Along with that, we learn to rub it off, delete

Anything we write, we delete and rewrite

As we grow, we learn to be more careful

Delete on answer paper will reflect our mind

Maybe the student is not sure of his answer

Hence, we learn to write and later type

Be careful not to make any glaring mistakes.

Now in this old age, sitting with my pen or PC

I had to delete and delete a lot, what I wrote

Confused, and can’t remember the spellings

Besides that, I keep trying to delete it off

Past memories, I don’t want to remember



A bunch of such lovely feathers

Floating across my balcony slowly

Within a fraction I captured them

On my cell phone before one blink

Printed framed, I loved its presence

Watched with glee on my wall

But soon I was in shock to see

Feathers belonged to her, she, someone

She owned it with pride, her feathers

My unrealistic short-lived dream,

To shine in a borrowed feather of hers

Choked and died , Yes that was my fated end



The very serious discussions went on and on

Nature’s undeterred fury, suddenly everywhere

Forest fires, earthquakes, floods and landslides

Found, everywhere reason the global warming

Every Nation Agreed, treaties were signed firmly

Coming out, the heads of every state began calling

Production, and export of war materials, should increase

War anywhere, supply arms, stretch the war blow longer

Smoke and fire engulf the earth, and millions die, can’t help

To hold power, to get voted on every time,

But they surely will attend conclaves

To discuss, stopping of Global Warming