

What to do is a big confusion as

Everything in this World is so confusing

Confusing it is to get up or sleep a little more

Confusing it is if I sleep what about my health

Confusing it is to think if my health fails

Confusing is to think if anything of this world

Is really going to be affected by my being alive

Confusing it is to think if the world is not

Going to be affected why should I get confused

Deciding not to confuse my readers

 Here, I rest my case of confusion



She called him and asked can we talk?

He said, sorry Mom!  a bit busy now,

After two days, she called him again

He said the same answer, without change

Then one day he called, the ring remained on

A voice answered, this lady died two days ago

A kind she, even donated her body to the hospital

Said, son should not be disturbed even for funeral



She muttered in anger as she spoke to her daughter

 I don’t know why this man, just known on Facebook

Day after day, he waits only just to argue with me

Waits to criticize, my every work, every day on Chat

The daughter called this facebook man, and said,

Thank you! my friend, to help me like this, as I asked

Your arguments and comments keep my mother

Alive, every day, from her painful dark loneliness

Keep commenting, and make her life alive, every day

Maybe just argument, but for me, you are the very reason

She is alive, to answer your argument she lives every day.



You, Energetic young  men, and women of today

You are all very precise, smart in everything

Not only do you all work hard, and move upward

In every part of your life, you are sure to shine

Smartly you plan, for every day of your future

Your insurance for a car, house, kids’ education

Insurance for health in every aspect of life  too

OH, God!! You plan so well knocking the old to shame

But a very important thing, you left off, not insured

When tomorrow, you walk out of this job, so good

Suddenly, you are enveloped in a huge silent zone

All the friends, you lived with for years, almost all hours

Now disappears, along with the job you worked

Your cell silent too, no doorbell, no kid’s noise, no one

All alone you ache, for a voice to hear, share or care

Why, not a single one, has time for you, you wonder?

So dear, if you are at forty now, start a good future plan

It is insurance, for retired days, human warmth, love

Join groups, to preserve nature, stray animals, or water

Keep building these bonds stronger, earnestly, like a job

Then, when you reach sixty, retire, from your regular job

These loved ones, outside the family, Humanity you nurtured

Will keep you really rich, and warm with voice, love and work

This Insurance alone, if you planned, will keep you healthy

Away from that world of depression, loneliness and dejection.



  A single white Mogra fragrant

Along with a twig of green leaves

Sat quietly under the broad pillar

Just, very near the temple steps

She, coming inside the temple

Straight away went near the pillar

Picking Mogra flower in her hand

Touched her teary eyes with the flower

Keeping it inside her purse, she moved

Yes, this Mogra was not meant to adorn

The long lustrous shining hair of her

But, it was a message between the two

Young longing, loving fluttering hearts

This cruel world did not allow to merge.



In all your run to complete, your deadlines your work

Working so hard, day and night sometimes you have to

Skip all your lunch or dinner, even your deep sleep

But, with all this around you don’t forget one thing,

Your loved ones, your family, their tireless backing

Their toil, endless support, remain in the shadows

Remember all these, which you are chasing now, one day

Will disappear into nothing, and leave you in a huge void

The only ones, which will stay ever with you, are your loved ones

Their love, concern and care, will never grow old, or weaken

So, cherish them just now, without delay or hesitation

Drench them in your love, give them ample time of yours

Openly show your love, it is needed to be expressed in loud

Your family, your wife, and children give them abundant love.



As I child I did watch him fascinated

Always he followed me wherever I go

If I enter a dark place, not lit well

He will hide himself, so not to be seen

Growing up, when my life struggles started

Yes, the shadow was always with me still

But, it is not the dark shadow, formed in light

This shadow was of my worries, which followed

This shadow was not that friendly shadow

As he refused to disappear in dark or light

Whether awake or asleep he stood the same

The shadow, of worries, never left my side, alone

Now flat on the bed as I lay staring at the ceiling

Wonder where did all those shadows vanish too

Deadlines, dates, times all vanished I the immovable,

How I yearn now, for a shadow at least, for company.



Engrossed deeply was he in working with his brush

Painted every delicate minute curve of line with care

The bathing lady, with wet cloth clinging to her every part

To him, it was not a woman’s body but just a painting.

Turned around, hearing a voice from his back

To see a woman, a mild lady dressed in a simple sari

“Is it necessary for you to paint like this?” she asked

“Can’t you see the beauty in your own, well-dressed mother?”

He laughed aloud with his pride and sarcasm

“Lady, you know not the finesse of art, its pride

My pictures are sold for millions of rupees, they

Only adorn the corporate, the rich people’s walls”.

The woman walked out sadly, with a sigh as he looked

His daughter rushed in, weeping pitifully loudly, just then

Seeing her dress torn and hanging pitifully on her body

Too shocked by this sight, he rushed over and hugged her tight.

Among her stammering words of painful crying

She said, “Papa some men on bikes, pulled my dress

Laughed loudly and said, “Why not we see this beauty?

Your father paints this every day as art to earn millions.”

“Papa, luckily a lady, like an angel sent, held me tight

When all the men in the crowd watched silently and mutely

She took all the blows of the wretched wolves on her

Until the police arrived, and caught them, she stood guarding me.

The heavy rain outside splashed water deep inside, she moved

As she reached the door, she saw women waiting for shade from the rain

Crying loudly, she ran to her and hugged her tightly weeping

Said, “Papa this is the angel I told, who saved me, my life.”

Teary eyes he now decided, his art will now respect women

At least he learned his lesson in time, to change for good, but others?

Will they learn not to shame women in poems and paintings?

Understand that their mother, wife, and daughter are all women too.



Our fingers, our existence, Adar, contract, signature

Every moment of our life, they breathe for us to move

Few are decorated, with rings, nail polish, Mehandi

But the most really beautiful fingers are the only once

That one, which wipes the tears of the poor, the hurt

The ones which lift a fallen down, which plants a tree

Best is that raises in a salute to Our flag and our Soldier