

She found a colourful stone on her path
At a moment’s decision, she picked it up
Such a lovely stone, not rest in the sand here
Thought, this has to adorn a lovely castle
Placed the stone on the pedestal of her heart
She started building castles in the air around
She dreamed day and night madly, restlessly
Imagining the stone gets the fame deserved
Suddenly the stone rolled out roughly one day
Her days of dreams, the castle came crashing down
As she sat with uncontrollable tears at her loss
The stone rolled out with loud laughter and pride
Did I ask your favour, or pamper me any time
Stupid of you, you did to invite the pain for you
Building a castle on the wrong base is your fault
Not being able to judge correctly, is not mine but your fault
Days are rolling by, and everyday girls are walking
Still, they pick up things fascinated at random
And the stories keep repeating every time
Where the broken heart, has to end, weeping.




 Engrossed deeply was he in working with his brush

Painted every delicate minute curve of line with care

The bathing lady, with wet cloth clinging to her every part

To him,  it was not a woman’s body, but it was just a painting

Turned around, hearing a voice from his back

To see a woman, a mild lady dressed in a simple sari

“Is it necessary for you to paint like this?” she asked

“Can’t you see beauty in your own, well-dressed mother ?”

He laughed aloud with  his pride and sarcasm

“Lady you know not the finesse of art, its pride

My pictures are sold for millions of rupees, they

Only adorn the corporate, the rich people’s wall”

The woman walked out sadly with a sigh as he looked

His daughter rushed in, weeping pitifully loudly, just then

Seeing her dress torn, and hanging pitifully on her body

Too shocked by this sight, he rushed and hugged her tight

Among her stammering words of painful crying

She said, “. Papa some men on bikes, pulled my dress

Laughed loudly and said, “Why not we see this beauty?

Your father paints this every day as art to earn millions”

“Papa, luckily a lady, like an angel sent, held me tight

When all the men in the crowd watched silently, mutely

She took all the blows of the wretched wolves on her

Until the police arrived, and caught them, she stood guarding me.

The heavy rain outside splashed water  deep inside, she moved

As she reached the door, saw women waiting for shade from the rain

Crying loudly, she ran to her and hugged her tightly weeping

Teary eyes he  now decided,  his art will  now respect women

Said, “ Papa this is the angel I told, who saved me, my life”

At least he learnt his lesson in time, to change for good, but others?

Will they learn not to shame women in poems and paintings, that

Understand that their mother, wife, and daughter are all women too



  They keep us in a golden cage shining bright

A gold chain even adorns our tender pink feet

They feed us with the choicest sweet fruits

And they always say that they love pigeons.

On festival days, they release hundreds of us

Clap and cheer, as we flutter our wings and fly

The huge blue sky we enjoy not for much time

As they catch us back,  surely say they love pigeons

Just at any trigger, the leaders  just to suit their ego

Start a war of destruction, mindless annihilation

Millions lose their loved ones, and children orphaned

Countries are victimized, but they say they love pigeons.

After all, millions were killed and the towns destroyed

Leaders stand on the very mount of the burial grave

Shaking hands and signing the treaty with broad smiles

Release many pigeons, say we love peace and pigeons.



            THE   MYSTIC

He, a mystic man, confused about the wide world around

Kept wandering through the thick dark forest alone

Sat still inside a dark cave, pondering days together  

Other times, he sat wondering at the waves of the sea

His silence was broken suddenly one day like a miracle

She, like a pretty young angel gliding from the heaven

Stood on the shore, her lovely eyes swaying all around

Then she broke into a dance, her anklets swirling in gay

The mystic suddenly got up as if woken from his dream

He started singing a heavenly, sweet mesmerizing song

The angel’s feet now danced in unison with his song’s tune

As they performed, even nature rejoiced, mesmerized

After years of wandering, he found his goal, his purpose

His life was just to create this heavenly music, unplugged

All the confused men of the world wandering for a goal too

An angel will be there one day to show them the right path