

When I climb slowly step by step
Higher and higher I climb in the sky
As life tickles off every passing second
I had progressed a few more steps

It is now a bliss to be at a calm, greater height
To look at the path I crossed with a heavy burden
To realize that those failures, hurt, hate and pain
Meaningless like the vanishing dew drops

The children I taught with love in school once
Have reached great heights of success today
The small babies I cuddled and adored
Blissfully had become leaders in many fields

Everything now looks greener, beautiful
Even tiny flowers look like a lovely carpet
The world seems to be much happier
Like a bubbling sphere of pure happiness

My climb is so cool, pleasant and divine
No hard lines to complete or to finish or reach
At my own pace as slow as possible I can move
Learning to see things in a broader perspective.